Sunday, September 04, 2011

Start of School

And. . . we're back! Summer has been busy and fun. Lots to write about, but of course, I probably won't.

School starts early here in Alabama, as in August 15, so Claire has already been in 2nd grade now for three weeks. She is enjoying it, but getting up so early is already starting to drag. Seriously, they moved up her bus stop time in the morning to 6:45am. Give me a break. Too early for a 7 year old (and the 30 year old that has to drag her out of bed in the wee hours of the morning). So I started taking her in the morning so she could get another 30 minutes of sleep. I could seriously rant on about their early school time for a while (and believe me, I have) but I'll spare you all the brunt of my rant.

(looking up at the camera would have just been too easy)

Morgan's preschool started last week and boy, oh, boy, is it fun to hear her come home from school, so excited and suprised that the teacher let her use scissors and glue. I guess I am not a fun mommy, since she doesn't get to use those here at home (because can you imagine how devasted we'd be if she cut off her curls??).

(yes, Luke is running half naked through the picture)

And also, our sweet Morgan had a birthday in the middle of August. She had a friend over and had a delightful little party. She got a big girl bike with training wheels and lots of these little erasers that come apart and you put back together. When I asked what her favorite present was, without skipping a beat, she declared the erasers to be the favored. She's easy to please.

Our little Morgan is really just a little slice of sunshine sent down to our family. She is very sweet and considerate of other people's feelings (well, usually. . .) and she always wants to do what is right. Plus she has the best laugh on earth. She hums in a low, monotone drone all day long and we love it! We feel so blessed that she gets to be in our family. We love her to pieces.


Carrie said...

Wow, Morgan looks so much like Michelle in that last picture! So glad you're back. I can't wait to hear more.

tharker said...

6:45! Man, your 2nd grader had to be on the bus before my 6th grader! I don't blame you for driving her, that is just nuts. Claire is looking so grown up these days and so beautiful.

Oh, my sweet Morgan...I can't believe she's 4 and already in preschool. She has the perfect mix of spunk and sweetness, in my opinion. I hope she had a great birthday!

Seeing these pictures make me a little sad because seeing everyone once a year is just not enough for me. Oh well, I'll take what I can get ;)

Jamie Walkup said...

Oh, I love hearing about the great Nelson family. Precious picture of sweet Claire! Still miss her bunches, but know she is doing well.

Amy said...

Morgan had really grown up a lot. Carsen starts preschool across the hall from Ms. Jamie tomorrow. Macie is just as excited for Carsen to start as Carsen is because she sees it as a great opportunity to see Ms. Jamie every week.

Claire is one beautiful girl. Keep her close. They are going up so fast.

Luke in is diaper is perfect. Max almost never gets dressed. :)

Liz said...

Wow! That IS early! Kudos to you both. I have a picture request: put up one of Luke! It's been a whole summer since you've posted, lady, and I need more pictures of your cute kids! (And if I'M saying this, imagine how their grandparents must feel!!) :P

Grandma H said...

thanks, Liz, we always love pictures.
Claire is looking so grown up, hope she is doing well in school, and Morgan looks like she had a great birthday. Can't belive that she is 4. Luke looks like he is just having fun.