Thursday, October 15, 2009

What Benjamin Franklin Didn't Know

When I was Philadelphia, in the Benjamin Franklin Museum (major snoozer), I saw a big quote on the wall that said, "Speak little; do much", from Poor Richard's Almanack. My first thought was--obviously he has never been on a girls trip.

Poor Richard, indeed.

It has been over a week since I returned from the rock-awesomest girls trip ever and I still have a grin on my face. In the last few, harried weeks of Pittsburgh, as everyone was preparing to move, we made a desperate pact to meet up somewhere for a girls trip so it wouldn't be so sad to say goodbye. And six months later, after about 273 emails, some backing out and jumping back in, to the joy of all involved, it came to fruition, in sunny Orlando.

Nine girls, all moms, four pregnant, three nursing, two photographers, and a double batch of German Pancakes. It was heaven.

{Libby, Amy, Me, Gina, Jana, Debi, Elise, Rachel, and Melanie}

There isn't a lot to outline as far as an itinerary went. We chose Orlando so we could sit outside at the pool all day and talk. We talked and talked and talked and laughed our butts off (that's just figuratively, as you can tell from the pictures, mine is bigger than ever). We had late nights, late mornings, and anytime we tried to go somewhere, even if it was just to the pool, we were slowed down by gabbing. We were making up for six months of lost time and lost conversations. And since I don't know how to really tie it in, I will just come out and say it- we also had a craft night- making flowers and hair bows. No joke. We did.

It was so wonderful to see so many of my friends again. They are truly so much fun to be around and I can't wait to see all of them again. I also wish, for just one day, we could of had our kids with us, so that the kids could see each other and I could see how all of them are growing and forgetting all about me (sigh). But I knew my kids were at home, enjoying some time with daddy. Cody was great about taking the kids and all the responsibilities that went with them. The first night I was back home, as we were settling into bed, Cody said something pretty profound.

"You know, motherhood. . . everyday is like Groundhogs Day."

I think he was referring to the movie, and not the actual holiday, because then that really wouldn't make sense.

It was just what I needed. It was the best girls trip . . . ever . . . well, at least until the next one.

{We went to a couple outlet stores. Here I am, trying on some subtle accessories.}


All photos courtesy of Photos by Melanie. You can see more of her Orlando pictures here.


tharker said...

A girl's trip does wonders...WONDERS, I tell you! (apparently I feel very passionately about girl's trips ;)

Your trip looks like it was such a great time. I'm so glad that you were able to get in one last trip before the little man comes.

Not to nit pick, but that hair accessory looks a bit small ;)

Liz said...

That looks divine! I'm seriously going to plan a girls-only trip. Where? Hmmm, where to go? San Diego, maybe? :D I'm jealous that all those girls got to hang out with you for an entire weekend. NO FAIR! I miss my moody walks with my roomy. :D There's a temple here, ya know? It just may take us all night to get there walking from my house, but I could stage a Slurpee thrown from a car and a paintball shot into your gut from a moving vehicle. :D (P.S. I seriously thought you'd been shot that night. I mean, shot by a real gun. Freaked me out so bad!)

Liz said...

P.P.S. Cody is a genius. It would do wonders for my relationship with The Chief if he could come to this same realization. :D Maybe a girls trip should be mandatory for every mom.

Brooklet said...

Ha, Lizzie. that brings back some memories- maybe I was a bit over-dramatic with the paintball incident. Maybe that is why I like girls trips so much- they remind me of the best part of living with roommates! And I am up for a girls trip to sunny CA!

PRP said...

There is nothing like a trip with friends to rejuvenate every inch of me. So glad you had such an amazing time.

Amy said...

I love your recap! It's true, there really was just a lot of talking... followed by a little bit more talking. I know what you mean about the kids being there. It would've been fun to see the kids with their friends again. Maybe we'll get together families sometime. So glad to see you!!

Elise said...

Yes there were a lot of e-mails! (I just cleaned out pages of Orlando e-mails from my inbox) It was SO much fun, I'm glad we both stayed until the bitter end. And props to Cody for having such a great attitude!

Rachel said...

so that's how it's done. I really do intend to write my own blog I just don't have the will just yet. can't wait to get together soon and I am so looking forward to seeing your little man.

JoDell said...

Sounds lovely! Glad you girls had a good time. Wish I could have joined you...maybe next time. :)

Kimo said...

So bummed I had to miss it:(. Guess I need to stop planning family trips, so I can make it to some girl's trips;).

Jana said...

Reading your post made me laugh so hard and get a little teary. I totally agree. . . that was BY FAR the best girls trip I have ever been on. Can't wait for the next one!!!!