Saturday, January 17, 2009

MMIH and Such

It is interesting how different I feel this year compared to last new years. Last year I was feeling all sorts of daring, all sorts of crafty, all sorts of fire under my butt (no toot jokes, please) to try new things. Not so this year. This year all I feel like doing is simplifying. I don't really want to say that, because every one's new years resolution is to simplify and where is the excitement in that? I would be cooler if I said I want to complicate things more in my life, but you all know I am no way near that cool. A huge reason for this Oprah-esque goal is because we are moving and all I can seem to focus on is how to make our home presentable and desirable to buyers. The answer is, of course, to simplify, be organized, be clean, yada, boring, yada, and paint our baseboards. So that is what I have been doing.

Now the creative side of me can never be pushed under the rug (as that's where all the dust bunnies hide). It's always there, thinking, planning, plotting to take over my life. But it, too, is feeling the need to simplify. I tend to be a jack of all trades and master of none. Yet I have a theory that there is a certain thing we are predisposed to be talented at and if we focus and hone in on that talent, it will be amazing. I am all over the place and I am not amazing at anything. I want to be amazing at something; I want to have that focus. My creative side is telling me to stop dating around and commit to my one and only mmih talent. I have a gut feeling what my mmih talent is, but I am too afraid to say it out loud, because what if my talent rejects me and lets me know that it just isn't that into me. You may have guessed that being fearless also isn't on my list of new years goals. But I am going to court my mmih; you can't give up on your mmih. I feel it in my very bones that we are meant to be together and that we will have a beautiful and creative future. I am serious. I can always feel it tugging at me, waiting to be nourished and developed. This is the year. This is my second goal.

I also just so happened to have been reading a slew (and by slew I mean two) biographies recently. A Girl Named Zippy is the story of an average girl, growing up in an average small town. That's it; that is the plot. I went to the library in search of a book that they didn't have, and I found myself looking around the biography section, looking for a good read. I think it's dangerous to be looking for a book cold, meaning not having had anyone you know say it is good or it is lame-o. But sometimes I like to live on the wild side. And there I was, living wildly in the bio section, glancing over all the life stories of famous people- authors, actors, presidents. None of them seemed the least bit interesting to me. Why on earth would I read about a movie star's life? Please, that's what I read internet gossip for. The book that caught my eye was Zippy, with a picture of a goofy looking baby on the cover. I was intrigued, especially when it advertised it was about an average person. Those are my favorite stories, real people. I love to hear love stories, childhood stories, funny stories about people's lives. I think memoirs are so intriguing because we, as the reader, inevitably puts our own life in the story to compare and contrast our experiences with others. Zippy burped up funny memories that I had forgot all about. Life is funny. Life is dramatic. Life is amazing. Why don't we tell our own stories more? That's a rhetorical question; please don't detail an answer as that will be too Oprah-esque.

That's the third goal I have this year, to record my life story. I have a journal, but it is incomplete. I want to remember the big things, the small things, the things that make me me. I want my daughters to read my story when I am gone, and I want them to giggle.

And my final goal also deals with words. I hope to speak kinder words. I hope to be less judgemental. I hope to be more compassionate.

And I hope to be a size 2. (okay, that one will never happen)

(ps- for those who wanted my recipes, I put some links over on the side. Happy cooking)


Carrie said...

Talk about not knowing each other! Did you say what the Mmih is, and I just didn't get it? Do all of your "back east" friends know what mmih is?

Brooke, how dare you say that you're not super talented at anything! That's one thing that's always amazed me about you, is how you can be so good at so many things. You're not just mediocre at them, you are talented!

Cara said...

and mmih is??? I got lost on that one. And I'm anxious to find out your one "true" talent must be pretty darn amazing since everything else you do is pretty awesome. :)

Brooklet said...

mmih, a little quote from sleepless in seattle.

Laurie said...

I like the new look of the blog. Hmmm, from what I have observed on your blog, you are uber-talented, no lie. Tara and I have discussed our talents a lot. Mostly because we don't really have any. The things that we do pretty well are not things most people would consider talents. (Like planning menus for parties and only shopping clearance. Oh and I read really fast.) I think we would both like to move into the realm of real talents. I hope you find your talent soulmate and if you think of one for me, let me know. P.S. I loved A Girl Named Zippy and Three Cups of Tea. I love your booklist, mostly because I agree with almost all of them and the ones I am not familiar with give good ideas of what to read next. I very frequently just choose random books at the library. The ones I want are never in and I have to be reading something so I just choose anything. (I have mostly had success....except for a few weird, creepy ones I never finished.)

Michele said...

Writing is a talent and let me are more than just are gifted and if you don't write something in your life time lightning will strike you! so many of us struggle to articulate our thoughts in writing and fall my dear are above the bar!

Monica said...

Funny, I just looked up "mmih" on the internet, and this is what I cam up with:

Megacystis-Microcolon-Intestinal Hypoperistalsis

I really hope your "mmih" stands for something different.

By the way, you are so good at so many things, I am having a hard time figuring out which "mmih" talent you will be focusing on.

Is it "match made in heaven"? Chazam!!

Kimo said...

I feel the same way you do with my 'talents'. I can do a lot of things pretty well, but I don't excel at anything . . . good luck with your courtship, I hope you find your mmih and live happily ever after.

tharker said...

I too am wondering what on earth MMIH is, but thanks to Monica, I wonder no more. An intestinal disorder is totally my goal for the year now, too!

Maybe sarcasm is my MMIH???

I would rather be a jack of all trades, than a one handed jack.

(Seriously, where do I come up with this stuff? Maybe that's what 12 years in this sweet family does to ya ;)

In all seriousness though, I don't think I could nail down just one talent when describing you. You really are so talented in so many areas and I am constantly impressed by them. Me, on the other hand? I can make bread, and other bread related products. That's all. Oh, and I can make aprons and skirts for American Girl Dolls that become aprons because I can't meausure correctly.

See what I mean?

tharker said...

Nor can I spell MEASURE correctly ;)

Linda said...

I agree with everyone else are VERY talented in many things. I'm sure after you get your house sold you'll feel more relaxed and creative again.

libby said...

good goals. I'd like to find my MMIH talent too. maybe we'll work on it together while you're in Virginia and I get left behind in Pittsburgh. :(

Jana said...

You already perfected your gift of writing. You are very talented. I would love to read your life story. I am sure it would be inspiring and uplifting. You always are.

Katie B.C. said...

I read that Zippy book for my book club. it was a lot of fun. Good luck with your simplifying goals and with selling your house. We'll have to deal with that in a few years too!