In the midst of all our busyness, we celebrated Cody's birthday 32nd Birthday. He had a friend come down from Philadelphia for the weekend to go fishing with him and we had a small family party for him. Good times.
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We hadn't ever been to the zoo there, so we made plans with some friends to see it before we left. It was a smaller zoo, but very nice and the weather was perfect that day. I am glad we fit it in before we left.
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We also made one final trip to the ocean. My kids love going to the beach. I don't necessarily feel the same about it. I enjoy the actually playing at the beach part, but I dread the cleaning off the kids, loading them into the van, showering them off part of the beach. But knowing this was our last time to the ocean for a while, I managed to look past the work part, and enjoy the moment of playing with our kids at the beach.

Farewell, great Atlantic.
Believe it or not, we still did more in the first couple of weeks of June before the move. . .
It's the never ending story.
To be Continued.
Believe it or not, we still did more in the first couple of weeks of June before the move. . .
It's the never ending story.
To be Continued.
I love that 1/4 of Cody's birthday treat is gone. (peanut butter squares! great job not setting them on fire this year!)
I loathe sand. Everything about it. However, it is worth enduring for happy kids and memories ;)
Man, what else could you have possibly slipped into the month of June? I'm totally impressed.
There's more? I don't think we do this much in an entire year!
Happy Late Birthday Cody!
yes I share your feelings about the beach or really any water activity with kids - the swim diapers, snacks, sunscreen, hats for the baby, water, on and on, it's too much prep! I love morgan's scowl! And if you remember, tell me where to find that circus-y looking font that your are writing the "2010" in on the pictures!
Umm, as much as I adore Cody and fully celebrate his birthday (in JUNE) I would totally love an updated post.
Like you have nothing better to do. ;)
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