Monday, April 19, 2010

Easter 2010

Hi. Here is our Easter post, two weeks late.

We enjoyed a lovely day for our easter egg hunt. Morgan is holding up a malt egg. Vomit. Who eats those? It's like eating chocolate covered chalk. She didn't like it either. Last time I send Cody off to the store without a detailed list of acceptable Easter candy. Sheesh.

Speaking of lovely days, I just have to tangent a little to defend my little neck of VA by saying that since I wrote the ranting post about being too hot too early, it has been perfectly 60-70 degree weather since and I haven't had to use my AC since the day it was fixed. Now, I too, can be smug. (also, my jeans stretched so everything is just rosy now. . .until the next time I have to wash them)

oh, and to tangent on my tangent, the reason I put on tight jeans during that hot day, was because I do not have a lot of options (because I am still chubby) and since I was going out into public, I make it a point not to wear my husbands scrub pants when people are going to see me, I had to wear my one and only pair of pants that fit me. That's why we had the crying-mommy-in-a-tight-pair-of-pants-on-a-hot-day episode.

Anyways, back to Easter.

Luke was just a spectator this year. But you can tell by his expression he wanted in on the egg hunting, candy gobbling action.

I told you he was chubby.


Jessica said...

Way to go, Cody! Hooray for malt eggs! Our entire family eats them. With zero vomit in sight.

Jessica said...

Four things:

1. Where can I get me an adult-sized Twister shirt?
2. Malt eggs = gross. Also gross? Peeps. Blech.
3. Can I complain about tight pants even though I've never had kids?
4. You guys make cute (chubby) babies.

Cara said...

Look at that chubs! And his tongue is so cute! Love the twister shirt. :)

libby said...

you know what I love? how much luke looks like the first picture of claire in her birthday post. they look like the same baby. the same really, really cute baby. :)

tharker said...

Holy chubby baby, Batman! I cannot wait to love on him! 2 more days!!! And that cute little tongue...adorable.

I'm with you on the malt eggs...ick. Now, give me a handful of Cadbury Mini Chocolate eggs, and I'm golden! (I told you like to eat crap, crap, and yes...more crap.)

I'll be seeing you soon!

tharker said...

Where did you find a Star Wars t-shirt in Luke's size? Spencer will think that's the coolest thing ever.

Libby said...

first of all you are funny. i am so sure you are still chubby! please. second, if there were any chubbs on you luke has sucked them all away! he is too cute!

Kelsey said...

I saw those starwars shirts at Target but toddler sizes. He looks adorable. what a chunk. Yeah I don't think I would like maltballs for easter either. :(

Pitcherpost said...

I don't want you to think less of me, but I will admit I love malt eggs! It's about the only easter candy I do eat. And Luke is chunky!! Didn't I get him that Star wars shirt? Although I think I bought it in a 12 month size! And somehow I haven't noticed your link to the harker girls site but you girls are amazing! That princess house? The logistics of it I can't comprehend.

Jana said...

OHHHHHHH. . . I need me some Luke. I can't get enough of those chubs. Holy cow!!!!! He looks like he should be one of mine. How does his head even hold on to his body?

And no need to explain the jeans. I never wash mine for that reason. Judge me.

Desiree said...

It must be a Nelson thing... I love malt eggs! I always get a bag for me that is off limits to the kids. Love the picture of Luke with the scowl on his face. That's the first time I have thought he looks like Cody.

Shells said...

I love that his name is Luke and he is wearing a star wars t-shirt.

They're all cuties! And i'm such a sugar addict, that even though malt eggs aren't my favorite, I'll still eat them. Just because.

JoDell said...

Luke really is chubby! I LOVE chubby babies. So cute!

And, I totally got the jeans thing. I'm still in my maternity jeans--the only pair that fits me. Luckily, they don't look like maternity jeans. So, I can get away with it. For a while there, though, I was worried that even those were getting too tight! I think I'm past that phase, though, thankfully. :) I hate putting them on still, though. I'd rather stay in my exercise pants!