Friday, October 31, 2008

Here She Be

It only happens about every thousand years or so (or in my family, every 3.3 years). It is an event so huge, so spectacular, so explosive, subjective and prone to hyperboles. It is almost like a tsunami wiping away all that you thought you knew and held firm in your belief system (again, hyperbolic). Before I go on, perhaps you should go look at your children, give them hugs, and remember for the last time that you thought they were the cutest toddlers in the whole wide world. I just have to warn you, because I have a little pumpkin eater here who, once you see her, you will be forced to concede she is the cutest thing since spray-on glitter. She is the cutest toddler to have ever toddled (well, I mean, at least since Claire was toddling). Now I know there are some realists out there reading this that are thinking: "How can you possible claim she is the cutest in the world? Have you seen all the babies in the world? Isn't beauty in the eye of the beholder? Doesn't she have no bangs and a mullet?"

But once you see the photographic evidence I have, you will be washed away (again, back to the hyperbolic tsunami reference) with proof positive that this little girl of mine is all that and a bag of pinto beans.

Now, I know I have put a lot of pressure on those who will be commenting. Because what are you going to say, really. You can't say she is the cutest toddler in the world, because that would be betraying your feelings about your own children, and you can't say she isn't the cutest in the world because then you would be calling me a liar and that is just plain rude. I guess I can settle for the , "oh, she's a keeper", or "oh, isn't she adorable" or the "oh, she is so pinchable." Or if all else fails, you could throw in a quote from Clue- that always works.
* For those who are concerned that there are no pics of Claire in this post, it's because we grounded her from trick or treating and we made her watch from the window while we took Morgan to each and everyone of our neighbors doors. I am pretty sure she learned her lesson.
** I am just kidding. More posts of halloween fun to come.


Carrie said...

Holy cow, I believed you for a second! I really thought you made Claire stay at home! I couldn't think of anything she might have done to deserve that, except maybe kill you in - but why would she want to do that in public?

Okay, I admit that she just *might* be the cutest thing out there, but I know a sweet little lamb over at our house that just might come in second place, and I'll prove it to you once I get the pictures from my father-in-law. (I forgot my dang camera last night!)

Glad you guys had a great time, and I would love to see some evidence that Claire had a good time too.

tharker said...

That is the cutest little flower I've ever seen!

She is starting to look so much like Claire. Yet, she still looks so much like Samantha to me.

Can't wait to see Claire's Halloween pictures.

PRP said...

You're right, she's amazing. Can't wait to see Claire as well!

Cara said...

Did you make that costume?? Adorable! :)

Linda said...

What a cutie! I love the costume and she is such a sweetie.

Kimo said...

What a darling little flower fairy!! Her costume is just adorable, and the munchkin is too, of course!

Gina said...

You crack me up! I am going to go with "adorable". She really was cute! I was dying to know what Clair did bad enough to get grounded from trick-or-treating. The just kidding clause was a relief!

Shells said...

She is adorable and I love the costume. Did you make it? I can I borrow it for next year? Can't wait to see what Claire was for Halloween.

Elise said...

I'm speechless. Words can't describe such cuteness.