Where do I begin, to tell the story of how great a love can be?
Last weekend was Claire's fourth birthday and we did the whole hoopla birthday party, blow out candles, open presents thing. But all that is really secondary to the story I want to share. A love story.
The day before Claire's birthday, while I was grocery shopping for the upcoming party when Claire asked me, as she usually does, for one of those foil balloons they have stationed all over the blasted grocery store. Well, for the first time in her life, after hundreds of times asking, my answer was yes. I even let her pick it out. The lucky balloon that caught her eye was a shiny Dora balloon. It was love at first sight. She held that balloon with her the rest of the day, asked to sleep with it that night, and it was still glued to her hip the next day. She danced with it, talked to it, hit it repeatedly, just like any healthy relationship. When all the kids came for the birthday party, someone (he will remain nameless for his own protection) let her take the balloon, aka, the love of her life, outside with her without tying it to her wrist. Well, obviously you know what happened next. At some point Dora makes a rather sudden and quick getaway, leaving Claire abandoned, heartbroken, devastated. I was inside and I could hear her gut-wrenching cries. Being a hundred percent honest here, I have never seen or heard her so sad in my life. She could not be consoled. She asked her daddy, through her sobs and tears, "Please, dad, can I grow wings so I can fly up and get my balloon?" Heart-wrentching. I know.
Well, most other parents would have used this as a good teaching tool about cause and effect, choices and consequences. But being the pushovers that Cody and I are, we immediately sent Cody off to the store to purchase another balloon, pronto. I will not have my little girl jilted in love at such a young age. My Little Pony and Cinderella quickly filled the void in Claire heart that stormy Dora had left in her wake.
I know. We are pushovers. But it was her birthday. Okay, no more excuses. What is done is done.
So to make a short story as long as it possible could be (too late), here is the rest of b-day party in pics.
For an activity, we had all the kids decorate their own crown or pirate hat. As you can see, Claire liked hers simple, with the ever cool, "FO?" slogan on it. However, I made one for Claire, too, because who knew foamies were so much fun? I did get a little carried away, but I was in foamie heaven.
We sang happy birthday and blew out the candles. Can I spend a minute lamenting on the cake? Of course I can. All year long I look forward to decorating Claire's birthday cake, doing something special, trying something new. But this year, I got sick the week before her birthday, and when it came down to it, I just didn't have time. Big bummer. (You can see Claire's decorating job, her finger marks in the frosting. That little stinker.)

Claire loved all her presents. The Tinker Bell wings were a big hit, though she loved each and every gift and played with them all later that day, and the next, and the next.

Words cannot describe how much I love and enjoy Claire. She is so loving, so creative, so energetic, so disobedient (this isn't a part of love about her, but I had to throw it in there). She gives the best hugs, she says the funniest things, she sees the world in an amazing way, and she dances to the rhythm of her own steel drum. Happy Birthday to my little girl.

Happy Birthday Claire!
I love how you bought her another balloon. Really, she shouldn't be jilted by love, especially on her birthday!
Oh, Brooke, this is a beautiful post. You guys are not pushovers; she needed as new balloon! At her age, and because it was her birthday, I am so glad that Cody bought her new balloons.
I love-love-love the FO? crown! Love it!
When Alyssa saw the pictures, she asked if Claire could come over to play sometime. Hopefully when you guys are not a billion miles away, we can all get together.
She is beautiful!
And I totally would have bought another balloon as well, so no judgments here on your parenting! :)
That was a sweet post. I would have done the same thing, especially on her b-day! Claire is such a one of a kind, sweet girl. Her spotlight in Primary today was the perfect summary of her! I couldn't stop smiling every time you would say something about her and she'd correct you. She is so fun.
I remember having those same love affairs and misfortunes with any balloon when I was younger. I loved the pictures and cannot believe how grown up both girls look. I can't wait to see all of you this summer.
Claire Bear -- I love your hair, your fairy wings, and that FO princcess crown rocks!!!
Happy Birthday Claire! Sorry I missed the party. My nephew had a similar experience with a balloon when he was probablly Claire's age. To this day (he's 8) still gets a little teary at even the mention of a balloon flying away. So sad! I would have done the same thing. No one should be sad on their b-day.
Personally, I cannot believe you caved and bought her a balloon! What did your dad tell you life was full of? Dissapointments!
I am SO, SO, SO kidding! I would have sent Spencer out right away to get a new one too! I just had to tease for a second there. I'm really glad that the crisis was averted with a new balloon.
I'm glad that Claire had a great birthday. She is such a fun little girl. I love to talk to Claire and see the world through her eyes. She is so beautiful too. I cannot wait to see her again this summer.
I hope that Claire enjoys being "FO" even better than she did three. Love ya Claire Bear.
Happy 4th Birthday Claire! That was so sweet of you guys to have bought another balloon for her. She is one of the sweetest and funniest little girls I've ever met. It's really hard to believe that she's already four.
The party was great. Regardless of the non-fancy cake. It tasted fabulous!!! And that balloon thing was sad. She was HEART BROKEN!!!!
Happy Birthday Claire. I love those wings. She is ravishing Brooke. I would have gone and bought another balloon too. What a sad little tale of love. When I see a balloon fly away when you didn't want it too, I get sad too. Its like you weren't ready to let something go. Sorry Claire. But glad your parents are a perfectly fit pushovers for sure. Cute party too.
I absolutely cannot believe that Claire is 4 years old, she was just a baby when I first met her! Imagine trying to take her now in the jogging stoller on that route we used to do! thanks for the fun party. Did Claire ever try to take her new balloons out or was she too scared?
by the way, how long did you spend on your crown :) A crown that fancy needs to be gone out in!
The funny thing (or pathetic, however you want to look at it), I spent another 20 minutes on that crown after the party. I like foamies, what can I say.
You are such a good writer Brook...I can picture everything that you describe...its a talent! I cannot believe she is 4! Tell her Happy Birthday from the Thompsons.
Parties are fun to have. She
looks just like you brooke!! You have cute kids. Glad the party was fun and was a big hit.
I put some pictures up for you Brooke. I don't think you have ever seen our new house before. So I put some up for you.
She sounds so much like you, Brooke. Happy Birthday, Claire! Just know that Dora will always be there looking down on you throughout your life. :)
cute story! & Pictures
Happy Birthday to Claire. Looks like a cute, fun party. By the way, am I the only person who recognized the song lyrics at the beginning of the post?
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