Wednesday, March 05, 2008

One Down, 9 To Go

My mom requested more pictures of Morgan, and I am only too happy to comply. Here she is in all her squishy goodness.
By the by, it's cold here.
And here is another picture I love of her. If you look at it long enough you begin to believe she is a giant bobble head doll. Look at her head compared to her arms. Giant!

Truth be told, I took this picture a couple of days ago when it was 70 degrees out and we went on a walk to the park. (I know this contradicts what I said earlier, but we had one freak day of warm weather and now it is back to cold, get off my back!) I was messing around with my camera, figuring out how the macro function works. Got it.
This brings up a fun point. Well, fun for me, but probably boring to you. I am fully aware of when my posts are lame, but even lame posts have their place.
Back to the point. I am taking a photography class. Now if you are a truly dedicated Brooklet reader, you would be thinking right about now, "oh, that was one of her New Year's goals.'' Darn tootin' it is! And if you are not a dedicated Brooklet fan, about now you would be thinking, "this post is getting lamer". It's okay, I welcome all frames of minds.
Okay, back to the point about the point. I am loving the class. Sure it's full of old ladies who like to take pictures of flowers and mountains and pets. Sure it's full of people who like to hear themselves comment on completely random completely off the subject topics. But I am learning a lot about my camera and the main reason I am taking this class is to get better pictures of my kids. In our class last week, we were learning about F-stop, ISO, Shutter Speed, Depth of Field, yada yada and it was making my head hurt trying to put all the pieces together. I love that feeling. It's what I loved about school- being challenged, feeling the wheels straining against each other, not quite spinning, but you know any moment it will just click and you will suddenly understand; suddenly you are enlightened; suddenly you are Spartacus. What a great feeling.


tharker said...

Love the pictures! That Morgan is one gorgeous little bobble head doll. I want to eat up those squishy cheeks!

How cool that you are taking a photography class. Can't wait to see how Spartacus works the camera!

Cara said...

Morgan's eyes are so amazing. They look almost black. So I've always wanted to take a photography class. Now I want to even more. Though I can't believe you have time and brain power to do that right now in life. It's one of those when-the-kids-are-out-of-the-house kind of goals for me. Maybe when they're all off in school in a few years...

Anonymous said...

what's up?

Jana said...

You are killing me!! And buggin that you have figured out the macro and are doing your homework. Brown noser!!! I sort of felt like we were doing a little math during the last class and therefore I had to turn the teacher out. And the old women. And the retro high schooler. :) But I do have to say you are taking great pics. Will you be my tutor?

Liz said...

Morgan is totally squishy! Those cheeks are unbelievable! I'm glad your mom requested more pictures. :)

So, I think it's awesome that you are taking a photography class. I wish I had gone that route. But, instead, I just jumped in with a brand new camera and took way too many pictures in order to figure out how everything works together. I'll tell you what, though, when it does click, it's the most amazing feeling! To know that when you adjust this and this and this and you'll get...that. And to know that you could recreate it later if you wanted to. To know that you really understand it. Well, that's just amazing really. I sound pathetic. Anyway, I'm jealous. And, if you ever wanted some great photography books that are not expensive, I highly recommend Scott Kelby's volume 1 and volume 2 of "The Digital Photography Book." They are excellent!

Carrie said...

I so miss that feeling! I love the way you describe it; I know exactly what you're talking about. I think that's actually why I do so many projects, because it challenges my brain, and I just don't get that very much anymore.

Morgan is gorgeous! I love zoomed in pictures of babies, even if they look like bobble heads.

Jan said...

So cute Brooke. I love how your taking time to better your talents and keep on learning. I wish I lived closer so you could teach me. What kind of camera do you use Brooke? I need a new one really badly. Your so great.

Heather said...

Wow. Do you ever stop???? The pictures look great.

Laurie said...

Morgan is beautiful. I noticed your current read, "Pope Joan." Let me know what you think of it. I read it maybe two years ago and there were some seriously mixed reactions from our book club. But I liked it.

Rachel said...

loved pope Joan by the way, I see you're reading it. Morgan is beautiful. where was the picture of Claire this time. you have 2 cuties to feature now.

Brooklet said...

Liz, I think you way of learning is much better than my way- my way is the passive, safe way, where yours is a fearless, doer way. Hence you have gotten so good so fast- its your passion.

Jan- I have a Canon Powershot S3-IS. I like it for easy family pictures, but I definetly have camera envy in class to see all the fancy cameras. Oh well!

Laurie and Rachel-I am only a couple chapters into PJ- so far, its not too exciting, but I have a feeling it is about to pick up. I will let you know what I think when I am done.

Radene said...

Way to be a learner! Where are you taking the class? Is it through the community or what? That's great! Let us know what you learn.

Michele said...

Be careful about the things you share on your blog someone might ask you to teach a photography class at a Super Saturday this summer!

::lindsay said...

first of all, Morgan is adorable!!!

Good for you taking a photography class. I need to do something like that for myself too. I missed learning something new and being challenged. I think my brain is going through a state of atrophy. You must show us your latest pictures you take so we can see what you've learned.

Shells said...

Love the pictures of MOrgan. I don't think she looks like Claire or you anymore. She looks like her own little person. You'll have to take our family pictures at the reunion this summer. It will be nice to have a photographer attend.

JoDell said...

So, that whole thing about things clicking in school...I don't think I ever got there! (Especially in Econ--yikes!) The photography class sounds fun, though. Way to go, working on those new year's resolutions!

By the way, Morgan is as darling as ever! Great pics!

Jen H said...

I read your blog quite often but have never left a comment before (I grew up in Cody's branch in PA). I love your sense of humor and view on life. Your kids are adorable. Thanks for letting me read and keep up the good work!

Jessica said...

Any recommendations on photo classes? It would be fun to do. But, do I actually need a camera that costs more than $200 bucks from Sam's Club? Hmmmm....

Shells said...

Do you think Abby, Morgan, and Sunny Jr. will be friends. There will be three granddaughters within a year. I hope so.