If it comes to a village near you, it is definitely worth your money to go see it. (Monica, its coming to SLC in June- Go).
Also, I finished reading North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell. If you like Jane Austen, this author is from the same time period, dabbles in good romantic storylines, writes in even clearer English, but does throw too much English politics from the 1800s in there. I really enjoyed it, regardless. There is a BBC movie of the book which I hear is really, really good. I am excited to read her other book that I have also heard good things about, Wives and Daughters. On my list of things to do.
Happy Leap Day. Have a great weekend.
(Just a reminder, tomorrow is national pig day. Find the nearest pig and tell them how much you appreciate them)
So fun--hope to see that one some day! Thanks for the tip about National Pig Day. I always forget when that is! You crack me up!
Okay, I'm going to go tell Brian how much I love and appreciate him. No, I didn't really mean that.
Cool! I wonder if they'll come to San Diego anytime soon. I'll have to look that up.
Thanks for the book recommendations. I love Jane Austen and I'm always looking for a good read, so those sound like good options...especially if they have good BBC movies to go along with them. :)
Happy Pig Day. Maybe I'll go make bacon for breakfast....
I'll have to try out north and south. It sounds good. I've been in need of a good book to read. And I'm so jealous of the musicals and broadway plays you have seen. My dream is to one day see a musical on broadway.
When you said you were reading North and South, I thought you were talking about a Civil War book. But this sounds better!
I've never been to any Broadway show. Someday, I'll become cultured and fancy like you ;)
Yeah, I wish Mike hadn't jumped the gun on buying his b-ball tickets. It looks like you had a fun time. I wish, yet again, that I could've gone.
Maybe I will just put a link to your blog for mine. That would be so easy. It was a great night. Thanks for going with me. I knew we would love it. Long live musicals!!!!
And. . .Mr. Thornton and Margaret had BETTER hook up. I am not going to be satisfied until they do. DON'T TELL ME ANYTHING!!! :)
Love, love, love North and South! :) I'd never even heard of that show. It sounds fun. I love musicals, but have only gone to a few. One day. :)
Bummer! I would have been there for sure, had I not been in the Bahamas you know. Feel sorry for me...
I am jealous!! Gilbert Blythe is in that play!
Sounds like the north and south thing might be better than that east and west one. You get to experience some awesome things.
We celebrated pig day by rolling in the mud and then coming in for ham sandwiches. Well we pigged out all day actually. Oh that would make us pigs then. So here's to us.
I love musicals too! But my husband's idea of a night on the town is going up to Mount Washington...I need a show buddy that can appreciate musicals and plays!
I would have loved to hear you laugh through the whole musical. I Love your laugh! It cracks me up! I haven't heard your laugh in years! I still remember you singing every morning on the way to zero hour! Good 'ol oldies and Brooke go so well together!
North and South -the BBC movie is wonderful-I haven't read the book so can't say if it does it justice but I love it-the ending scene is really terrific and i would replay it and watch it over and over again if i had the movie-its so touching.
Looks like no Chaperone anywhere near DC. So sad. I love theater!
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