So here goes. We had a great Christmas here in PA with just our little family. Truth be told, I missed my family, as I do every Christmas we spend a way from them, but I also get a certain joy out of having Christmas at our house. Of course, I was a totally lame parent this year and didn't do hardly any of the traditions that I have had floating around in my head. I have never been a big fan of the open-christmas-pjs-on-christmas-eve thing, but I did buy Claire a really cute pair of pjs that I wanted her to have on for Christmas morning pictures. So I gave them to her the night before. And that would be about where it ends for us on any type of christmas traditions. We didn't even read the nativity story on Christmas Eve. I know- I am lame. Everything just came toooo quickly.
And for those of you who know me really well, you know I am not the biggest fan of the whole Santa Claus aspect of Christmas. I honestly think I would leave it out if Cody wasn't so dead set on it. He thinks its what makes Christmas so magical for little kids. But as I was loading Claire up with a bunch of lies about the S-man and all his tiny reindeer, I had the distinct feeling that if we left him out, that she would be just as excited anticipating the gifts she would receive on Christmas morning. In fact, as I put her to bed that night, telling her that Santa was coming in the night to leave presents, I thought what a horribly, frightful concept that is- having a fat, hairy, strange man sneaking into our house while we are sleeping, making himself quite at home, eating our food. Please, that singular idea is what keeps me awake and scared the other 364 nights of the year. But we tell this to our kids to make christmas magical?? Please. Plus, the whole "you better be nice or santa isn't going to bring you presents" seems pretty manipulative to me. Like you are really not going to give your kids gifts because they are naughty. I'm just saying. You can say bah humbug to me all you want, but I can always pull out the trump card- Santa isn't what Christmas is about anyways!
Whoa! Me and my extremist opinion need to calm ourselves down.
Anywho, Santa came and dropped off some nice presents for the girls. It was real exciting to see Claire's excitement at all the gifts that she recieved (and I can tell she didn't really care which ones were from santa and which ones were from us or her grandparents). Claire loved all her toys- even the cheap dollar store stocking stuffers. She really liked her doll house and the rocking horse that she got. Morgan, well, it was just like any other day to her. She smiled and raspberried all day long. She doesn't know it yet, but she loves all the clothes that she got!
I received some great gifts from Cody-my favorites being a pair of pearl earrings, and a vacuum- both equally correct ways to a woman's heart. And I am also still loving my new bernina!!!!!
Cody, he didn't have as many gifts under the tree because he likes to purchase his own in the several months preceding Christmas. As he kept buying things, I kept telling him to stop, so I could buy him gifts to unwrap on Christmas- but he doesn't like it that way. He has no desire to be surprised. He wants to pick it out. I am completely the opposite. I go to great lengths to ensure that I am suprised on Christmas day. Cody's favorite gift of the day was a little back massager that Claire picked out for him [well, it was his favorite, until later on Christmas day when he ordered himself a bow (as in arrow) online]. IT NEVER ENDS!!!
So to make a long and detailed story free of run-on and tangent-filled thoughts, that was our Christmas.
Sounds like you had a fun Christmas. I have the same problem with Tim and not being able to surprise him on birthdays/Christmas. It drives me crazy, especially when I have already bought him that special something, taken great pains to hide it in a super secret place until the day of celebration, and then he informs me that he is going to buy himself said gift a few days before said birthday/holiday and I have to tell him I already got it so he doesn't buy it and end up with two, and then the surprise is ruined and I am annoyed instead of excited ... ramble, ramble, ramble.
I am glad you finally did a Christmas post! I do have to agree with you to some extent about Santa. Kade is not old enough this year so we left it out. If is was socially acceptable I think I might leave it out all the time. I know I will once the kids get older though.
Same feelings about the Santa thing...And, Kate and Lilly got the same dollhouse as Claire and Morgan...from the grandparents, of course! :) At least, it looks the same from the pictures.
Yeah, I feel the same way about Santa, but sadly that doesn't stop me from lying to my kids about the big guy and manimpulating them into good behavior every single year. So maybe I'll be on the naughty list for lying, but oh well ;)
It does make me happy now that Hannah is in on the secret. She had a lot of fun playing along this year, and I was proud of her for not spoiling the fun for the boys. When she saw her scooter from "Santa", she exclaimed her thanks to the big guy, and then ran over to me and whispered, "but I really mean thanks Mom and Dad!"
Such fun.
We missed you guys very much. Hopefully next year, more of us will be able to be together for the holidays. We love ya!
That is a cute doll house, cute jammies, and I have the same feelings about Santa. Samantha pretty much has the whole thing figured out, and as I tell this to people they say, "well, you need to say this and this to her, and then she will still believe?" What? Not only do you want me to lie to her, but you want me to change her mind about the truth? That is so idiotic and Christmas is not about Santa!! Do you think we have our strong anti-santa attitudes because of dad? Anyway, it really irritates me that Jesus Christ is becoming more and more left out of his own birthday party. I am really bugged by several Christmas cards that I got that said, "Merry Kissmas", or "Merry X-mas", or "Happy Holidays". See, Christ is getting cut out. The "Happy Holidays" thing bugs me now because people at stores and what not are supposed to say "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas" so they don't offend non-christian customers. Give me a break.
I decided that I will no longer surprise Al with Christmas gifts. Either he comes with me to help pick it out, or he gets nothing. I am sick and tired of having to return stuff to the store the day after Christmas because he doesn't like what I got him. How lame.
My sister feels just like you do about Santa. She just tells her kids that Santa is a game that everyone plays. So they know it isn't real, but they play along with the game for fun. I must admit, I'm filled with guilt every time the Santa subject comes up at our house. What can you do??
Are you kidding me?!!! What is all the freaking out about Santa? We all know it isn't real. I KNOW why we celebrate the season, and I KNOW I believed in Santa. Children need to have an imagination and something magical. I know PLENTY of little girls that have a STRONG belief in Ariel or Belle. I get that many have lost the sight of the true meaning, but as long as we can still teach our children, I do not see the harm in having a little magic on Christmas. I think I need to meet your dad. :) Talk about calming down. Sorry. :)
And not just gilrs believing in princesses. I have my own little boys that believe in Thomas and The Little Einsteins. And I let them. They are only young once, and soon the believing is going to come to an end. Let them believe!!! I don't know too many adults that really think Santa is going to squeeze into our chimneys. The kids will figure it out. Seriously Jana. Sorry again. :) Are we still friends? :)
I didn't realize so many others had feelings about Santa like me. I thought I would be ridiculed, branded as a kill-joy. Nice to see I have some supporters.
Oooh, Jana, I knew this post would ruffle your feathers. I love the way you responded though! You make a good point about princesses and other things our kids believe in. Claire is often, okay almost always in la la land- a trait I love about her. But for some reason to me, Santa seems like a stretch, something outsides the bounds of la-la land, it feels unnecessary. But, I will keep teaching her about it every year to appease Cody. I think I will try to leave out the naughty or nice thing though- I feel sheepish every time I do it and talk about not following through with a threat.
Cute jammies! I'm glad that you enjoyed yourself against your will. If you push it far enough, maybe Santa will bring you a lump of coal for Christmas next year. At least you'd be surprised the way you like...Santa killer.
Ha ha ha. I actually sounded mad, didn't I? I like Santa, you don't. Good think this is your blog and not mine. :)
Thank you Liz. I know there are others!!! Speak up!!! Don't be scared off by Brooke. :)
so, I check your blog one day late and I am the 12th comment. holy crap! do you really know all these people??? I am with you on the santa thing. Although, I loved the idea when I was a kid. I just know Luke would be terrified to sit on his lap at the mall and didnt even attempt. Wouldnt santa be so much better if she was a little pixie fairy, harmless and glittery! not overweight and undergroomed. I love your blog. post on
Yeah, I think that sounds like your dad talking about Santa. Maybe your family should check out the book I Believe in Santa. It points out the parallels between Santa and Christ, and if you don't want to at least recommend it to Jana..
PS- even if your dad is a Santa hater I love him because he has entertained Brynners the last two sundays we have been sitting in the foyer!! Yay Mike.
OK. To verify the book is: I Belive in Santa Claus by Diane Adamson and M. Chad Randall. Available at Amazon and I believe Deseret Book.
Heather seems very nice. :) My kind of girl.
Yeah, isn't it the minority that is always loudest? You crazy bunch of Santa haters. Stop whining already so that the rest of us (the majority, I might add) can enjoy Christmas...Jesus, Santa, and all.
Oh, so does my talking about my dislike for santa bother you?? Maybe it is from deep-seeded guilt that you are lying to your children!!
No, it doesn't bother me. I think I just got carried away with the exaggerated passion of my retort. It's one of those things where I was laughing while I was writing, but then I read it after publishing and realized it came across way too harsh. Sorry! I was hoping you would sense the bantering. :)
I sensed it, mine was bantering, also. Besides if you can't get carried away with fake bantering, what can you?
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