Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Happy Birthday, Cinder. . . I mean Michelle!

Happy Birthday Michelle!

Here are some facts about my sister Michelle that you may find interesting:

Michelle is a true Cinderella Story- I mean the transformation thing, not the whole marrying a guy she had known for only one day in order to escape an indentured existence with two ruthless stepsisters. She wore glasses all growing up- the thick, pink variety. She was, how do we say, a bit nerdy and then in high school she got contacts and BOOM, she was gorgeous! (not that she wasn't gorgeous before, but the two coke bottles she was wearing kinda distracted from the beauty behind them)

Michelle is an incredibly hard worker- another Cinderella comparison. In fact growing up my dad would call her Cinderella, and me and my other sister Anastasia and Drusilla (that's because we would gang up on Michelle!). I shared a room with Michelle for most of growing up and she was a neat freak (and I was absolutely the opposite, sorry shells!) She would also study like a maniac- she would be in her room for hours after school doing her school work. So it's no surprise that she graduated with her Associates Degree when she was 18 and went to College with a full ride scholarship. She's smart, what more can I say.

Um, she was a math education major, yet if you ask her to do basic math or multiplication, she can't. But she can do all sorts of complicated proofs and forms of calculus that I don't even know the correct terms to describe them.

She is a lawyer. She loves school so when she graduated from BYU at the ripe old age of 21 she decided to go to Law School. This threw me for a bit of a loop because growing up, she was afraid to take cookies out of the oven. But that is the thing about Michelle- she is always surprising everyone with her amazing accomplishments, perseverance, and confidence. She worked one year as a lawyer before she moved to CA and entered her favorite job of motherhood.

Michelle is extremely compassionate and feeling. I remember in college stopping by her apartment or her stopping by my apartment to talk about all our ups and our downs. She was a great shoulder to cry on. (that's figuratively, because we aren't really a 'huggy' family!) She is excited about what I am excited about, she is quick to praise and compliment, and she cries with me when I need a good cry. She loves her family and especially her nieces and nephews. She is affectionately known as Aunt No No.

She may strike some people as shy, but she is anything but shy. She has a kooky sense of humor- she thinks nobody gets her sarcasm, so she follows all of her jokes with, "I'm just kidding". She is also not afraid to stand up for her beliefs and she is unafraid to be passionate about what she believes in (don't mention tithing with her). (to clarify that last parenthetical, she believes in paying tithing; just a little inside joke)

Michelle was on the cross country team in high school. She won the ward checkers tournament as a teen. She loves to quilt. She highlighted her hair in college. She rivals me as the queen of putting her foot in her mouth! She loves to laugh. When she was little she made a horrible rrrrrrr throaty sound when she would draw or write. She unabashedly cheats when she plays games. She was my partner in all things pretend. She didn't like it when I borrowed her clothes. She is extremely friendly. She is a great mother and she produces really cute kids! She has smooth, glossy hair. She bites her fingernails. She can't keep a straight face when she plays Balderdash. She knows her Book of Mormon trivia like the back of her hand. She has a scar on her upper lip from when I slammed her face in the door when we were little. She is a great sister and she has always been my best friend!

Happy Birthday, Shells! I love you! (this is where we would hug if you were here and we were a 'huggy' type of family).


Liz said...

Awesome! I loved it. Happy Birthday, Michelle! By the way, I also follow anything funny/sarcastic with "just kidding." I am just so afraid someone will think I'm serious. And I love the "Aunt No No" title. That's great!

tharker said...

Excellent post Brooke! You described our Shells perfectly! She is Aunt No No, but I wouldn't have her any other way. "Just kidding", in case you didn't catch the sarcasm...

You too look soooo young in that picture. That was the Christmas that Hannah was born wasn't it? I remember your dad's shock at Michelle highlighting her hair. It was so funny to me, because he acted like she was SO rebellious for doing it! That's right up there with you PIERCING YOUR EARS!!!

Monica said...

My goodness Brooke, what a great write up, way better than mine. I almost want to go back and change mine and make it better, but Michelle probably already saw it and thought, "that's pathetic". Oh well. You truly are an excellent writer and an excellent sister.

Shells said...

Too funny. Where did you find that first picture? And there was so much that I had forgotten, such as hating it when you borrowed my clothes. Of course, I turned right around and had no problem borrowing yours and Monicas clothes. hahahaha


Wendi said...

Thats a great tribute, and so fitting. Happy birthday Michelle! I've always thought of Michelle as a good friend too, not just the big sister of my friend.