Wednesday, September 19, 2007

45 Minutes of Blitheness

I have enrolled Claire in a beginner's dance class. Its a class for three and four year olds where they do 15 minutes of tap, 15 minutes of ballet, and 15 minutes tumbling, all while wearing leotards. How can that not be cute? I have taken Claire twice now and words cannot adequately describe how much I enjoy watching her and the 12 other little girls tapping their toes, shaking their hips, twirling in circles. . . you get the picture. It just makes my heart happy. There is just one caveat that threatens to mar my blithe viewing pleasure.

If there is one thing I know about Claire is that she can be in her own little world from time to time. She loves playing with other kids, but she also is just as content playing on her own, pretending, make-believing, dancing to the rhythm of her own imaginary drum, taking the fast train to downtown la la land, as we say on the east side, yada, yada, yada. I am not oblivious to the fact that her listening skills are somewhat lacking- oh she can hear fine, because you can be calling her name for ten minutes without a response, but as soon as you say the code word 'Popsicle', she is all at attention. But really, she's three- a little distraction is to be expected.

So knowing Claire as well as I do, I was interested/excited/worried to see how well Claire would listen and follow instructions in her first structured dance class. Let's just say Claire didn't fail to entertain.

I wish I could show you the video of her first day at dance, but I can't get it onto my computer. It was hilarious. Claire is standing in line with the the other girls, whom are all actually listening to the teacher, while Claire is hugging the girl next to her, showing her finger that has an ouchie to anyone within an arm's reach, hopping up and down, turning back to wave at me and say cheese from across the room when she sees I have my camera. But the biggest distractor of the day was that darn wall-size mirror in front of her. Sure, the dance teacher is fun and energetic, but she's got nothin' on Claire's reflection. Why would Claire pay attention to the teacher when she can just strike poses and admire her gazelle-like dance moves in the mirror in front of her the whole time?

Now what concerns me about this is that Claire was the only one doing this out of the 12 other little girls- they were all dancing along with the teacher. Of course, some did cry and run back to their moms; some occasionally strayed from the black line they were standing on; some sat down when they were suppose to be standing. But Claire was by far and away the worst listener! I heard "Claire this" and "Claire that" so often from the teacher that I am sure all the parents left that day with at least one child's name memorized.
I wasn't embarrassed. I was highly amused. And maybe the fact that I thought it was horribly cute is the reason why Claire has the worst attention span out of all those girls her age- can you say 'indulgent parent'?


Shells said...

I laughed through your entire post. So dang funny. I would laugh too, because that would be so cute.

Like mother, like daughter.

PRP said...

Hannah is exactly the same way at ballet. It's like she's never seen herself before and she needs to spend the entire hour checking herself out, just to be sure that she really is, in fact, THAT DANG CUTE.

Don't bother being embarrassed by it. She's precious.

tharker said...

Somehow I knew when the word mirror was mentioned exactly what Claire would do! Only because Hannah does the exact same thing any time she sees her reflection in the mirror, or on a TV, or in a get the idea.

I really hope that you can figure a way to get the video on, because I think it would be so much fun to watch!

I would be laughing and enjoying this little dancer too! She's just too cute not to enjoy!

Kimo said...

You can't blame her with a wall o' mirrors in front of her! Sarah just started a tumbling class today and had a total blast! Luckily there were no mirrors to be seen, so she could just run around and jump and run and roll!

Rachel said...

what a cutie. I have the opposite response to mirrors. Like at the gym, the handful of times that I have gone, every time I catch my reflection I am totally embarassed by how disimilar my moves look to the instructor's. I try to get a back spot and keep my eyes half shut.

Monica said...

What a funny story!! I laughed and laughed. And I also knew what was going to happen as soon as you mentioned the mirror. I am glad that you are both enjoying the class. It sounds like tons of fun for both of you.

Heather said...

What a funny girl... I hope the video gets uploaded too!

Amy said...

I can totally picture Claire just as you described her. She was probablly so excited to be in a pair of tights and leotard, while "twirling" in front of a mirror. Who would be able to listen to the teacher durring all that? If you need help with the video, I can help you. I've found that if the video is a minute or less, it's a lot easier to upload.

::lindsay said...

How ADORABLE is Claire! I bet it is the most precious thing to watch. I can't wait to put Kaiya in dance.

Carrie said...

We had the same "problem" with Alyssa when she was in ballet. She was just content to be in a leotard, twirling around the room. The teacher told us that she was being manipulative and taking advantage of me as a parent. We got her out of there real quick.

I'm glad that Claire is having so much fun! She makes a beautiful ballerina.

Rachel said...

hey, cute little photo co-lage. (2Ls?) that is new. I really need a spell check on this blogger thing.

Liz said...

How fun. I think it's hilarious that you thoroughly enjoy watching Claire in la-la land. :) I hope she has a patient teacher. :) Can't wait to see the video if it works out!

Libby said...

That is too funny!! I could picture the whole 45 min! I really hope you get the video working. However...I too keep my eyes half shut infront of full length mirrors. Claire is so cute! Those other girls obviously don't have fun parents.

Jana said...

Too funny. How fun to go and buy new girly dance clothes. Jason told me Ellie isn't going to take dance and I said, "Say what?!"

Jana said...

Because she sure as heck isn't taking basket ball or soft ball.

tharker said...

So what's the deal? You think because you have a one month old that and a very busy 3 year old that you have no time to blog or something? Puhh-lease!

Just kidding. This is just my not so subtle way of letting you know that we miss you!