There are many things I love about Cody and his ability to find humor in all things is one of the things that I love most about him. It keeps us laughing. The posts that I write about him are for pure enjoyment sake- for both our enjoyments. I am not ragging on him, I am teasing him. They are things that Cody and I have talked and laughed about. He gets me. I hope you get me to.
Hunting has been a big change in our lives, but mostly for the positive. Sure, I am a bit prejudice against the whole image thing, but Cody finds happiness in being in the outdoors, and he enjoys the sport of it all. I can excuse and laugh at his redneck foibles, because it is the hunting that makes him happy.
So let me take a brief minute out of my teasing posts (because you know they will be back- Cody just gives me too much good material) and tell you some wonderful things about Cody.
Cody hates to walk past a certain sample lady at the mall. It is always the same women, no matter what time or day we go. He always feels so bad to say no when she offers us a sample. He always says she is the hardest working person in Pittsburgh. So every time we go to the mall, we cut through the tables to avoid walking past her.
Cody will watch a good chick flick with me. He has a gushy side, that will sustain him through all the love story movies I watch with him. After we watched the The Notebook, Cody turned to me and said that he will love me like that always, that if I get dementia, he will take care of me. He is also a sucker for a good love song. He is always having me listen to a new song he heard on the radio because it makes him think of us. How sweet is that? If you think that any of this diminishes his masculinity, remember that he likes to shoot, kill, and then eat animals. He is all man and isn't afraid to access his softer side.
He thinks he is really funny. And most of the time I agree with him. Whenever I am reading a Jane Austin book (which happens quite a bit) he always walks by me and in a steely, Harlequin romance book kinda way, says "Quoth the raven evermore." He thinks that's funny, even though I am reading Jane Austin, not Poe, and its 'quoth the raven nevermore'. It doesn't make much sense, but he repeatedly says this thinking he is funny, which makes it funny to me.
He loves, loves, loves to cuddle his three girls. One of his favorite things to do it cuddle up with Claire on the couch and take a nap together. A couple of days ago, Claire was wanting to cuddle with Morgan, so I put Claire in Morgan's arms, and Claire said, "Look , I'm dad. I cuddling with my little girl." He also likes to hold Claire's hand when he is driving. He reaches back and she reaches forward and they just drive holding hands. The stuff to melt hearts!
He also likes to sing to his three girls. He doesn't really have a showy voice, but that doesn't stop him from singing the best nighttime songs. And because he doesn't have a showy voice, I know that he isn't just singing to hear his voice, he is singing to share the song with us. It is lovely.
Cody thinks that I am beautiful. He lets me know it all the time. I stress about the wrinkles around my eyes, but Cody tells me that he thinks they are cute. It makes me feel good inside. It makes me not worry about getting older (as much!). He is really patient with me. It makes me believe that when we are old, he will still love my wrinkles, he will still sing songs to me, he will still laugh at my jokes, and he will still love me like Noah loved Allie. . . from The Notebook, people!
Hunting has been a big change in our lives, but mostly for the positive. Sure, I am a bit prejudice against the whole image thing, but Cody finds happiness in being in the outdoors, and he enjoys the sport of it all. I can excuse and laugh at his redneck foibles, because it is the hunting that makes him happy.
So let me take a brief minute out of my teasing posts (because you know they will be back- Cody just gives me too much good material) and tell you some wonderful things about Cody.
Cody hates to walk past a certain sample lady at the mall. It is always the same women, no matter what time or day we go. He always feels so bad to say no when she offers us a sample. He always says she is the hardest working person in Pittsburgh. So every time we go to the mall, we cut through the tables to avoid walking past her.
Cody will watch a good chick flick with me. He has a gushy side, that will sustain him through all the love story movies I watch with him. After we watched the The Notebook, Cody turned to me and said that he will love me like that always, that if I get dementia, he will take care of me. He is also a sucker for a good love song. He is always having me listen to a new song he heard on the radio because it makes him think of us. How sweet is that? If you think that any of this diminishes his masculinity, remember that he likes to shoot, kill, and then eat animals. He is all man and isn't afraid to access his softer side.
He thinks he is really funny. And most of the time I agree with him. Whenever I am reading a Jane Austin book (which happens quite a bit) he always walks by me and in a steely, Harlequin romance book kinda way, says "Quoth the raven evermore." He thinks that's funny, even though I am reading Jane Austin, not Poe, and its 'quoth the raven nevermore'. It doesn't make much sense, but he repeatedly says this thinking he is funny, which makes it funny to me.
He loves, loves, loves to cuddle his three girls. One of his favorite things to do it cuddle up with Claire on the couch and take a nap together. A couple of days ago, Claire was wanting to cuddle with Morgan, so I put Claire in Morgan's arms, and Claire said, "Look , I'm dad. I cuddling with my little girl." He also likes to hold Claire's hand when he is driving. He reaches back and she reaches forward and they just drive holding hands. The stuff to melt hearts!
He also likes to sing to his three girls. He doesn't really have a showy voice, but that doesn't stop him from singing the best nighttime songs. And because he doesn't have a showy voice, I know that he isn't just singing to hear his voice, he is singing to share the song with us. It is lovely.
Cody thinks that I am beautiful. He lets me know it all the time. I stress about the wrinkles around my eyes, but Cody tells me that he thinks they are cute. It makes me feel good inside. It makes me not worry about getting older (as much!). He is really patient with me. It makes me believe that when we are old, he will still love my wrinkles, he will still sing songs to me, he will still laugh at my jokes, and he will still love me like Noah loved Allie. . . from The Notebook, people!
Okay, the "Quoth the raven, evermore" thing had me bustin' a gut. I was laughing so hard!
Brian likes to hold Alyssa's hand while he's driving, and I actually forgot that he used to do that until Alyssa was moved to the other side of the car when Ethan came. Isn't it sweet?
Loved this post, Brooke! I love getting to know people a little better through their marriage and their spouse. Sounds like you and Cody are a perfect match!
I think this was my favorite Brooklet post ever. Cody is such a great guy. I enjoy his sense of humor, and I've always admired the way that he clearly and obviously loves you and your girls. He is a fantastic husband and father, but you know that already.
One of things that I love most about Cody his intensity in the things that he loves. You can see that in all he does, whether it's fishing, hunting, or his family. Hopefully one day we'll all live a bit closer together so that we can enjoy the blast that is the Brooke and Cody show more often!
Brooke, you did good in the husband department. Thats all I can say. Have you been watching the PBS Jane Austin series every Sunday night. I think it is half over, but the best ones are coming up. I know. Its on a Sunday and I was your teacher and now your disappointed. Sorry. I was and am still tempted on things and give in- -well alot.
Well, Tiffani pretty much said all that I was going to say. But I'll just pretend that I didn't read her comment and say it anyway. My favorite thing about Cody, well, take that back, I have two favorite things about Cody. In no particular order, I have never met anybody more passionate than Cody. He is so passionate and throws his whole heart into everything he does, whether it is subjects he is learning, politics, hobbies or family. Speaking of family, the second favorite thing about Cody is what a great Dad he is. I don't think I have met a more hands on dad than cody. In my limited observations (why do we have to live so far apart?) not only is he such a great help in taking care of your kids, but he also greatly enjoys it. Go Cody.
Ahhh, that was so sweet. And funny. I got a good laugh imagining him be from Austenland. And I do agree, Cody is a passionate guy. Love that. You guys are the perfect couple. And he's right, you are beautiful. And to Cody. I think you are a wonderful husband. Hunting and all. Brooke just makes me laugh so hard at all the stories. So I am glad you hunt. For selfish reasons. :)
you know I hate to LOL but the Poe reference was too funny. Cody cracks me up. cute post.
Love your tribute to Cody. He seems like such a good husband and father. It's funny because I don't think I actually ever met him when you guys lived here. I guess I'll have to make it a point the next time you are all up!
That was a nice tribute to Cody. Especially with all the doggin' on his hunting excursions. He's your perfect match.
What a funny guy. He sounds perfect for you. I'm glad he can handle your sarcasm. You have the greatest sense of humor and the quickest wit! I bet Cody enjoys your company, too. :)
Wow! If that wasn't sweet, I don't know what is! It's definitely good to throw in some non-teasing posts about your sweet hubby since I don't know him very well. It was good to hear this side of him :)
Cute, cute, cute.
That was so sweet...sometimes we live a chick flick and sometimes we live comedy...its all about balance.
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