This is kinda a weird post. It's kinda a ranting and raving kinda post, that uses the psuedo-word 'kinda' multiple times in it's opening paragraph. The rant is about me, in case you are worried I was going to rant about you, or skinny jeans. I need to lay this out on the table, because it has been bothering me for a long time (so have skinny jeans, but I promise this post isn't about that).
Judgmental people are annoying.
I am judgmental.
I tend to have way to many opinions that really don't need to be shared, but that I let slip out anyways, and cast my
heavy lead apron (y
ou know, like at the dentist office; I love the way those feel) of judgment over anyone who happens to be standing near me.
The problem with being judgmental is
A.) I don't know everything. (shocking, I know)
B.) Some things that I thought I knew the what-what about come back to bite me in the butt (like how I use to view moms that had screaming kids in the grocery store; i take that one back,
way back).
C.) It is okay for people to view things different than me. If you want to get engaged after a week of knowing a guy- fine. That's your choice. You don't need me spouting my opinion off because it's none of my business.
D.) Listening to people be judgmental hurts everyone involved. Even if you aren't the one they are being judgmental about, you start to think of the things that this person probably judges you about when you aren't around.
This is how I think; this is what keeps weighing on my mind. Why can't I shut my mouth and be more respectful? So narrow-minded, so snotty. I don't want to be this way. There isn't much greater torture to me than knowing I have hurt
some one's feelings. I have already made one teary-eyed phone call begging for forgiveness this year, I don't want to have to do that anymore. It must stop. Because I really don't like judgmental people.